1. Remove oil
The drain plug, on the underside of the gearbox. Note the bolt, in the centre of a larger bolt. |
2. Remove levers
The two levers, kickstart on the left, and the gear selector on the right. |
The kickstart lever, and gear selector need to be removed, before the cover can come off. The kickstart has a cotter pin, so undo the nut, and knock the pin out. The lever should then come off. The gear selector should have a splined end and clamp holding it on . On this bike, many years ago, Dad drilled it out, and there is just a standard nut and bolt. The shaft and selector need replacing, so we can return it to how it originally was.
After the levers have been removed. |
3. Remove exhaust
The bike sans exhaust. |
Taking the exhaust off is very easy, by removing two bolts. One bolt is the right hand passenger foot peg, bolting the muffler to the frame. When removing it, remember which way the bolt turns, as it is the other way over. It is common sense, but it's very annoying if you try the wrong way. The other bolt is at the front, bolting the pipe to the frame. The driver right footpeg needs turning, by loosening the bolt on the back, and turning it until it is out of the way. Once you have removed the bolts, and turned the footrest, the exhaust should rotate and lift off.
The exhaust, full of horrible powdery dust. |
I found the exhaust was full of powdery dust. Don't worry too much if some goes into the hole in the engine, because it will be blown out when you start it, but it may be a good idea just to knock it out.
4. Undo bolts
My drawing, showing the bolts. The view is as you face the right hand side of the engine. |
The gearbox outer cover is held on with a bizarre assortment of bolts, around the outside. Dad bought a set of allen head bolts for it, which are currently fitted, but we still have the original bolts somewhere. Simply remove the bolts, and lift the cover off. I used a crude drawing to make sure I knew where the bolts went.
The cover, after removal. |
The kickstart assembly. |
The pictures to each side show how it should look at this step. The engine is pre 1965, so later engines may look slightly different.
I will continue the disassembly, removal and reassembly in a day or two, when I have more time. On a totally unrelated note, I wrote to the BSA owners club last week, so they will hopefully send me the original manufacturing records. The records should state the original colour, so I know what to paint it.
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